First Announcement
We invite all students of medical universities and medical faculties to take part at this special students scientific event. We invite also young residents, up to second year of residency programme. Please visit our website (starting from July 1st, 2018) and come in contact with us. We will be proud to host you in our university town Szczecin.
Official languages of the Students Orthopaedic Conference are English and Polish.
Patronage : Pomeranian Medical University (PUM)
Polish Orthopaedic and Traumatology Society (PTOiTr)
Polish Students Orthopaedic Society (OSTO)
The Conference is endorsed by Societe Internationale de Chirurgie Orthopedique et de Traumatologie (SICOT)
Conference topics cover all fields of orthopaedics, traumatology and musculoskeletal pathology.
Venue – New Brewery Szczecin, Conference Rooms, Partyzantów 2, 70-222 Szczecin
Accommodation :
There are guest rooms reserved for Conference participants in Elka-Sen Hotel (3 Maja 1a, 70-214 Szczecin, 3-minute walk to the conference venue) that can be obtained via Conference Secretariat.
Conference Secretariat :
Department of Orthopaedics, Pomeranian Medical University,
Unii Lubelskiej 1, 71-252 Szczecin, Poland
Tel.: +48 91 4253236, Fax: +48 91 4253246, E-mail:
Website :
Abstract submission via website –
Deadline for submission: September 30th 2018. Abstracts should be prepared according to listed criteria. Confirmation of abstracts qualification and type of presentation (oral/poster) and final program : October 3rd 2018
Registration Fees including all social events (not including accommodation) – 100,- PLN (25,- Euro)